Monday, October 22, 2012

Science, Weight Lifting, and You!: Information for Men, Women and Kids

Science, Weight Lifting, and You!: Information for Men, Women and Kids Review

Science, Weight Lifting, and You!: Information for Men, Women and Kids

"Buy Science, Weight Lifting, and You!: Information for Men, Women and Kids" Overview

Get ready to increase your health through scientifically proven weight lifting with Science, Weight Lifting and You! Info inside of this book is appropriate for men, women and even kids. If you want to create lean muscle or build muscle mass, increase stamina, improve cardiac function, even stave off the symptoms of osteoporosis you can accomplish all of that and so much more by adding a good weight training routine to your regular workout.You will not be disappointed with Science, Weight Lifting, and You!: Information for Men, Women and Kids

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Friday, October 5, 2012

Stopping the Clock: Longevity for the New Millenium

Stopping the Clock: Longevity for the New Millenium Review

Stopping the Clock: Longevity for the New Millenium

"Buy Stopping the Clock: Longevity for the New Millenium" Overview

Why many of us will live past 100--and enjoy our extra years. In Stopping the Clock, two pioneers of anti-aging medicine show how we can start now to regain energy and vitality, halt or reverse damage to our bodies, and avoid the diseases--heart attack, arthritis, cancer, diabetes--that do most to reduce current life expectancy.

In sixteen fully-documented, information-packed chapters, Klatz and Goldman detail an up-to-the-minute longevity program, including:

The key anti-aging hormones: Melatonin, DHEA, and human growth hormone, how to take them and precautions to use.
The sex hormones: the role of estrogen and progesterone supplementation, including natural alternatives to prescription hormones--plus new research on testosterone supplementation for men and women.
The role of the "miracle minerals"--chromium, selenium and magnesium--and the latest information on the key anti-oxidant vitamins and how to take them.
A thyroid support program to avoid the many dangerous effects of thyroid deficiency.
A sensible approach to anti-aging exercise--plus 25 ways to defeat the aging effects of stress.
The life-long diet--including the top 25 healing foods.
A longevity test to determine your current estimated lifespan.
Personal longevity programs--including daily supplement regiments--from 28 leaders of anti-aging medicine.
Glossary of 75 anti-aging substances available at health-food stores.You will not be disappointed with Stopping the Clock: Longevity for the New Millenium

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