Thursday, July 19, 2012

Bodybuilding Supplements - The #1 Best Supplement You Can't Buy

As many of you reading this article already know, building muscle can be a very BIG challenge. I have been at the weight training game for over 15 years. If you are like me you have probably tried every supplement on the planet. I have literally tried them all in one way or the other. I have used Protein, Creatine, Aminos, Weight Loss, Weight Gainer and many more. All of the supplements have their purpose. Some of them seemed to help and some did not seem to do anything. If they did not work, why not?

Take protein powders for an example. Throughout all my years lifting one thing has remained a constant. You have to take in lots of protein when you are weight training to make your muscles grow. This is a fact. If anyone says differently they need to go to their nearest fitness center and talk to the really big guy lifting the big weights. The problem with most beginners in the muscle building scene is their understanding of how much protein and what kind of protein. This is a common question that I will answer very soon, just keep reading.

My point to the last paragraph was to illustrate that some supplements are necessary to achieve muscle building goals, but your understanding of how to use them is not quite up to speed yet. No need to worry about it, I will help you understand. You see, your understanding of how supplements work is critical to using them effectively. You can not just read the manufacturers label and believe that what they tell you is the gospel truth. You must understand the supplement. You must understand why you are using it and what you want it to help you achieve. So how do you do that? The answer to this question is good old fashioned research. Fortunately you are reading this article so you are on your way my friend.

Research is a key element to all decision making in life. You would not just buy a house because it is for sale. You would inspect it and find the positive and negative aspects of the property. Then you would make an educated decision based on your research. If you go off using supplements just by reading labels you have lost your mind. They might as well tell you their supplement is the best ever and you can not achieve your goals without them. Wait, they already do that! Do not become a zombie to colorful advertising and flashy product labels. You must understand what the supplement does for you and how you use it for maximum benefits.

How do you research supplements to reach an understanding of how they work? Well, you can do what I did and read every book and magazine in existence on the subject. You can surf the internet and find all the information you can handle, then sift through it until it makes sense, or you can work smarter and acquire the expert services of a Mentor. Now I am not saying you need to go out to the local gym and start asking complete strangers to help you. A mentor does not necessarily have to be a physical person you speak with every day. There are many seasoned professionals that have informational services all over the internet. Get their information and absorb it. They have years of learning the right and wrong ways to get results.

So there you have it. Before you waste one more dime at the local nutrition center for the next big supplement, use the supplement you already have, your mind! You do not have to pay to be smart about your future training. Just do the research and follow a mentor. You will begin to see the maximum results with a much more satisfying cost. Oh and by the way, if you supplement you mentality into your training you will not believe how much growth you will achieve. It is called Focus and it will be the subject of another article.

Until the next article, stay safe and stay natural.

For more information on how to get a mentor and get the results you are looking for you should definitely CHECK THIS OUT!

About the author: Shawn Dodson is a long time bodybuilding enthusiast. He has researched almost every aspect of the bodybuilding industry and is considered by many as an expert in the field.